Spring Semester Update:

I hope this letter finds you well. I have experienced a lot during this school year. I, along with my friends participated in the English language competition and the economics Olympiad. When exam week approaches, our school becomes so crowded and there are no seats in the library.

Making friends and preparing for the exam with them was really new and unusual experience for me. When I was a student, I used to study in my mother tongue which is Mongolian, but when I became a student, most of my lessons were taught in English, which was somewhat difficult, but now that I look back, I have learned and understood many things. And the more I learned about my profession, the more I found it interesting and fell in love. I think this is the biggest event of the year for me. It can be said that the reasons to keep trying in the future are increasing little by little.

In addition, my life seems monotonous lately, so I thought I'd try to radically change the things I do. I think that it is more comfortable to sit quietly at home than to be in a crowd. This summer, I will change to the opposite and go to places where as many people are gathered as possible and participate in activities and volunteer work involving many people. I also plan to prepare for the IELTS on my own, while doing part-time job. I will also focus on self-development and try new things. The purpose of life is to experience. HAVE A NICE SUMMER!

Fall Semester Update:

Dear Future Self, By the time you read this letter, you will have finished your 2nd year of university and reached what you have been achieving for these days. Was it as fun as you thought it would be a year ago? Do you love living in a dorm room? Is it great not to have to do chores? Is the schoolwork and studying harder than last year? At the time you wrote this, your goals were the following:
• Make all A’s in classes
• Having more friends
• Attending social activities
• Doing 24 hours of volunteering
• Finish a book that I have just started/Tuesdays With Morrie/
• Improving your language skills as you thought
Did these goals come true? I hope, there is balance in your life, and that you are taking care of yourself. Be patient with your life and your dreams

Mongolian Yearbook